A tailor-made market intelligence platform for middle-distillate traders

Sparta for Distillate is tailor-made to meet the needs of middle-distillate traders, giving you easy access to actionable, real-time market intelligence. We provide specific insights and tools that middle-distillate market participants need under one platform to trade with conviction and capture opportunities first.


Access to global insights

No matter your organisation size, Sparta gives all distillate traders instant access to global market intelligence. Get actionable diesel and jet market insights on demand via web or iOS app without having to place traders in every trading location.


Speed to market

Identifying and acting on trading opportunities before other distillate traders gives you serious advantage. Sparta sources, processes and analyses market data for you, removing time-consuming data management and allowing you to capture market opportunities as soon as they arise.


Data quality

Sparta sources and cleans high-quality diesel and jet data from world-leading brokerages and data houses for you, so you always have reliable distillate insights you can trust.

Built to meet the needs of distillate traders

Trade the middle-distillate market with clarity and conviction

Seizing time-sensitive opportunities is crucial for success. Distillate traders must quickly capitalise on fluctuations caused by geopolitical events, seasonal demand changes, and regulatory shifts affecting the market. However, traders face challenges such as sifting through irrelevant data, the need for tools tailored to the specific products they trade, and a trend of being over-dependent on historical data. These issues result in slow-to-market response times and missed opportunities.

Unparalleled, real-time intelligence for the distillate market

Sparta’s physical distillate market information, industry-leading forward-looking arbitrage, and streamlined freight models deliver insights into global trade flows and trends for the distillate market. We enable traders to place or source barrels and trade paper spread with unbeatable accuracy and conviction.

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Your complete view of the market

Sparta’s Custom Charts provide up to 9 fully customisable charts on one page. Each chart can be tailored by selecting from live, forwards, and seasonal chart types. Custom charts enable traders to visualise Sparta’s ground-breaking Live Curves, futures, swaps, physical, and freight pricing, all integrated into one powerful custom page, delivering an unparalleled view of the energy markets.

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Tools to transform how you trade distillate

The Sparta distillate platform is tailor-made to help you access actionable market intelligence, benefit from expert analytics, and stress-test your trading ideas. Our features and tools enable you to trade with greater conviction, anytime, anywhere.

Access global pricing in real time

Live Curves gives you real-time global pricing information no matter where you are in the world, including futures, swaps, physical and freight. Access real-time prices for the futures market, while access to historical forward prices allows you to compare, contrast and analyse historical seasonal pricing trends to identify new patterns and opportunities. Accessible from anywhere in the world via a web browser, Sparta’s mobile iOS application, or Excel.

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Up-to-date and reliable freight rates

Sparta’s Freight Calculator delivers instant access to reliable prompt and forward freight rates for over 2,000 global routes across vessel classes. By using spot market assessments in combination with historical data and extrapolation, we provide immediate access to current market-assessed prices while also providing insight into what the forward market may look like. Sparta is the only provider to offer 12 months’ insight into the forward market, helping you to negotiate better freight rates by aligning shipping costs with market trends.

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Live arbitrage calculations

Sparta Global ARBs cover the USGC, AG, WCI, RED SEA, WAF, SE ASIA, FAR EAST, USAC, NWE and EC CANADA regions, giving you insights into global arbitrage routes for diesel so you can anticipate global demand and trade flows. With real-time market insights you can confidently anticipate market trends, and identify and seize trading opportunities faster and with greater conviction.

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Sparta for Excel: Sparta's forward pricing live in Excel

Gain real-time access to all global pricing information for swaps, futures, physical premiums, and freight directly in Excel. Our Excel add-in enables you to export portfolios and products directly to Excel from Sparta’s Live Curves with just a few clicks, empowering you to perform in-depth analyses, create dynamic charts, and implement bespoke trading models effortlessly. The Sparta for Excel add-in is directly available from the Microsoft Store, ensuring a secure and seamless installation.

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Speak with our distillate expert


James Noel-Beswick

Commodity Owner


James Noel-Beswick is a Commodity Owner for Sparta. Before joining Sparta, James worked as an analyst for the likes of BP and Shell, and leads our continued development of the distillate product vertical.

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“I stopped updating my Excel sheet 4 months ago.”

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“I’ve not run a manual blend in months.”

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