Identify high-value regions to maximise profits

Sparta’s real-time market intelligence enables producers to quickly identify the regions where their crude is most highly valued. We help you calculate your crude’s value compared to other similar crudes in a particular region.


Reliable market insights at your fingertips

Get on-demand access to high-quality, reliable market insights to inform decision-making. Sparta lets you instantly compare crude refinery margins of different grades across refinery regions in real time. Get a global picture of relative crude GPW values through accurate GPW calculations across a range of representative refinery regions and setup types.

Understand the true value of your crude in each region

Sparta shines a light on the full value of your product, highlighting exactly what your crude is worth in each region and how that compares against your competitors. We give you the insights to boost profitability and monitor market movements, all under one convenient platform.

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Sparta Global ARBs: Live arbitrage calculations

Sparta’s industry-leading Global ARBs provides a current and forward-looking perspective on global trade flows through live arbitrage calculations, enabling producers to:

  • Anticipate global trade flows and track specific crude grades for your setups.
  • Gain a comprehensive, forward-looking perspective on crude flows from major exporting regions.
  • Filter by chosen destinations to gain a comprehensive, forward-looking perspective on crude flows.
  • Develop a forward-looking perspective on physical commodity flows, enabling you to anticipate global demand and market movements.
  • Be the first to know how your market will be affected by arbitrage movements.

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Freight Calculator: Up-to-date and reliable freight rates

Sparta’s freight calculator provides instant access to reliable prompt and forward freight rates for over 600 global dirty routes across vessel classes. This intelligence enables producers to:

  • Instantly calculate freight estimates with just a click of a button.
  • Gain forward insight into the freight market, because Sparta is the only provider of months M to M+12.
  • Negotiate better freight rates, by aligning shipping costs with market trends.

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See the extra gains you could unlock with Sparta with our ROI calculators


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“This is impressive. I haven’t seen anything like this before.”

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“Logic is perfect on the Global ARBs.”

- Sparta User -

“I really like the ARB comparison; it allows me to understand the spread of the free market. It enables me to understand what I can expect for freight.”

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