Empowering analysts to anticipate global demand trends

Sparta delivers a forward-looking, real-time view of the physical market, enabling analysts to anticipate global demand trends and trade flows. Stop relying on historical data and start using real-time and forward-looking market intelligence in your models.


Transform the value you add to your traders

Sparta gives analysts access to the same pricing information as your traders. This increases your relevance and your influence in key decision-making processes. Talk the same language as your traders and have deeper, more meaningful, and more productive conversations.

Be the catalyst for better trading performance

With Sparta, you can directly attribute ROI to our market intelligence platform. We give analysts more effective risk management by helping you better understand market trends, more confidently analyse what’s likely to happen next, and give you the tools to drive improved trading performance across your organisation.

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Sparta Global ARBs: Live arbitrage calculations

Sparta’s industry-leading Global ARBs provides a current and forward-looking perspective on global trade flows through live arbitrage calculations, enabling analysts to:

  • Anticipate global demand trends and trade flows through live arbitrage calculations.
  • Gain real-time insights into the driving forces that affect whether an arbitrage opportunity is open or closed, such as FOB price, sales price and freight.
  • Be the first to know how your market will be affected by arbitrage movements.
  • Gain strategic insights into market trends by analysing how arbitrage opportunities evolve over time.

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Sparta Curves: Real-time access to global pricing

Sparta Curves is your complete real-time global pricing suite for futures, swaps, the physical market and freight, unlocking fingertip access so analysts can:

  • Gain access to the same pricing information that your trader uses.
  • Compare, contrast and analyse historical seasonal pricing trends across swaps, the physical market and freight for over 1000 historical forward price curves.
  • Leverage live curve charting with access to technical indicators and tools, as well as Sparta’s proprietary forward pricing.
  • Access all of our curves, from all regions, for an unparalleled view of the energy markets.
  • Benefit from accurate pricing, updated in real time and available on demand.

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Freight Calculator: Up-to-date and reliable freight rates

Sparta’s Freight Calculator provides instant access to reliable prompt and forward freight rates for over 3,000 global clean and dirty routes across vessel classes, empowering analysts to:

  • Instantly calculate freight estimates at a click of a button.
  • Gain forward insight into the freight market, with Sparta being the only provider of months M to M+12.
  • Negotiate better freight rates, by aligning shipping costs with market trends.
  • Instantly access over 2,500 global freight routes for clean products through a combination of routes and vessel sizes.
  • Gain instant access to over 600 global freight routes for dirty products through a combination of routes and vessel sizes.

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Data analysis made easy with our Excel add-in

Benefit from live access to Sparta’s forward pricing within your Excel environment, enabling analysts to:

  • Integrate and manipulate our data with your worksheets, cross reference with other data, and make links with your models.
  • Instantly access live global pricing information for futures, swaps, physical and freight in Excel.
  • Gain insights out of the box, with unmatched ease of use and pre-built portfolios.
  • Simply install seamlessly and securely via the Microsoft Store in seconds.

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Sparta API: Historical data to build bespoke models

Get access to Sparta’s unique historical data to build your own bespoke models and perform backtests. Sparta provides access to:

  • Gasoline ARBs and components data
  • Freight clean routes and TCs
  • Diesel ARBs and cash diffs data

Accessible via all programmatic languages such as Python and Java.

Enabling analysts to:

  • Promptly understand the relative value of an arbitrage opportunity.
  • Be the first to find the correlations and causalities between the physical market opportunities and the paper movements.
  • Seamlessly integrate into your data lake.

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“You can definitely tell Sparta was designed with the Trader and Analyst workflow in mind.”

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“This is impressive. I haven’t seen anything like this before.”

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“Sparta is a very useful tool, reuniting in one sole screen the information needed for an accurate analysis of the market.”

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